I am a certified yoga instructor and a member of International Yoga Alliance
What is the meaning of yoga?
And yes, it is for everyone!!
Please know that you are welcome and perfectly capable at doing yoga just as you are right here and now. Yoga is currently very confusing and misunderstood. Though yoga is excellent for your health, it is not a workout, get fit program or weight loss fad. Yoga is an excellent tool to find home to ourselves and to inquire about all that is going on inside of us. We practise yoga to calm our nervous system, by shifting from a sympathetic nervous state of stress and fight and flight into a parasympathetic state of rest and digest. This is the state in which your creativity flourishes, your body recovers and in which you can find deep peace within yourself. In yoga we call this state Bhavana. Everything we do in yoga should be practiced from this calm state of mind. We always come back to Bhavana.
Yoga is a spiritual practice aimed to still our mind and letting us find home to ourselves. The old yogic Sanskrit texts talk about Chitta Vritti Nirodha which translates as calming the mind through the techniques of yoga. It is the breathing, meditation and postures we work on to find this sense of inner peace. Whoever you are, I promise that you can always come to a yoga class. Yoga is not only for flexible people with trimmed bodies; yoga is for everyone. And when I say everyone, I really mean everyone. All of us profit from finding the time to connect to ourselves on a deeper level.
The first "rule" in yoga is Ahimsa, which translates as: Do no harm. This is the first guiding principle in all of our sessions; Otherwise we would not be practicing yoga. This means that you listen to your own body, feel where you are at and meet yourself there, exactly where you are. It might differ from everyone else in the room, it might differ from day to day, but this is exactly the practice we want to follow. To respect and honour ourselves just as we are. That is the very core of yoga. This is also the transformative power yoga has to offer. You start to listen inwards and become your own best friend. This is why I am passionate about yoga and want to share this with you.
I studied Body Love Yoga with my teacher and founder of Body Love Yoga Mia Lehndal in Sweden and got blown away by seeing the transformation in people after some time of practicing Body Love Yoga.
Body Love Yoga is a practice aimed at calming your nervous system and putting you into deeper contact with yourself and your own body. It is called Body Love Yoga, since it is a tool to increase your self- love, not a way to improve yourself.
“Once you approach your body as a relationship to discover rather than a problem to fix, you start thinking in a whole new way."
Jena La
“Body Love Yoga is a tantric form of yoga in the sense that it supports and guides us into feeling ourselves in the depths of our being. It is meditation and relaxation in movement. We guide the body back to its natural way of moving where it can eventually express its authentic effortless flow. Deep relaxation combined with the awakening of slumbering muscles invites a healthy balance in the way we move our bodies. Body Love Yoga balances yin and yang and gives you access to more of your inherent capacity. On the yoga mat and in life as a whole.
The path to deep self-love and love beyond the self goes through intimacy with the body. In order to feel genuine and deep love for ourselves and others, we need a continuous embodied relationship to our bodies. We need to learn to love and embrace them just as they are in every moment. We also need to consciously give them attention and love so that they can keep being vibrantly alive throughout our whole lives.
Body Love Yoga gives you the key to love yourself deeply. As we all know, love comes from within, and this path supports you to get in touch with the inner love, peace, sensuality and integrity that is inherent in your body.”
Mia Lehndal