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"Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you"

What is Tantra ?

For me discovering tantra absolutely changed my life. An ancient Indian philosophy with so much wisdom and beauty, tantra allows us to be all of what we are, all sides of us are welcome, the anger, the sadness, the enjoyment, the craziness, the raw and vulnerable the entire human spectrum. It teaches us to accept everything just as it is - here and now – at this very moment. Imagine what a beautiful place to arrive at where all of you is welcome exactly as you are, no need to change or to improve anything.

 In our tantric sessions, we are digging deeper into ourselves to discover who we really are. It is like peeling an onion, where we peel a bit more every time until we reach our true essence. Tantra is a path to ourselves. In Sanskrit, tantra means a vehicle to expand your consciousness. For this we can do exercises alone, in pairs or as a group to learn more about ourselves - to expand to our full potential and discover everything that is already inside us.  

Together with others you can learn more about your boundaries, what you actually like and desire in life, what you don’t want and how to articulate this. Tantra is a living philosophy learned through experience using your senses and your body. In tantra your body is sacred, it is your temple in which your soul lives. To me this is the most beautiful description of the body that I have ever heard. You don’t need to be or look a certain way. You just need to show up and slowly and carefully start to discover who you really are.

 Maybe you are one of the many people of today’s world that feel alienated and disconnected. If so, I would encourage you to come and discover the tantric path with me. Tantra teaches us that we are all part of a much bigger whole, we are all made of stardust, but with our own unique stories, making us special and united with the entire universe at the same time. Or maybe you want to continue the never-ending journey of discovering and expressing yourself.

I invite you to come and feel all of yourself, with your senses, within your own body.  Tantra is really a wonderful journey towards yourself, a journey that you can start at any time in your life, suitable for anyone. 

I am trained as a tantra teacher in one of the worlds most renowned schools and in my sessions I am always strictly following the Tantra Federations code of conduct and ethical guidelines. I am very clear with my instructions, and it is always up to you to decide in what exercise you would like to participate and to what extent. Remember that you are here to honour and love yourself, never to please someone else. I would love to share this beautiful journey with you. You can find an outlined description under each workshop explaining what aspect we will be working on and see what you think would suit you best at this moment. 


“We are all just walking each other home.”

Ram Dass

Be wild, Be true, Be you!

In Tantra we explore all that we are through our senses


breast masage course

Discover your Pleasure

couples Tantra

Your breasts are your portal to your heart. In this gentle breast massage course, you learn to really love yourself on a deep, bodily level

Connect to your own sensuality and pleasure, own it and come alive in my steps to pleasure program

Come and learn how to re-connect with each other on a deeper level. 

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